Hop is a 2011 Easter-themed animated feature film from Universal Studios and Illumination Entertainment. It is directed by Alvin and the Chipmunks director Tim Hill and produced by Despicable Me producer Chris Meledandri, and stars; James Marsden, Kaley Cuoco, Tiffany Espensen, Chelsea Handler, Elizabeth Perkins, Gary Cole, David Hasselhoff, Elizabeth Howard, Colton Ray and the voices of Russell Brand, Hugh Hefner, Hugh Laurie, Laurie Metcalf, John Cohen, Janet Healy, Hank Azaria and Django Marsh.
It starts with a man named Fred who tells a story abou,t how him and E.B. (Easter Bunny) meet.On Easter Island,E.B. (Russell Brand) is intended to succeed his father (Hugh Laurie) as the Easter Bunny.However, E.B. runs away to Hollywood and tries to become a drummer.While E.B. tries to find a way home,unsuccessfully asking Hugh Hefner to take him in at his Playboy mansion, his father sends his three ninja royal guards, The Pink Berets, to find his son.While the Pink Berets try to find E.B.,baby-chicken Chick Carlos (Hank Azaria),gets annoyed that he cannot replace E.B.So he plots a coup d'état with his music-obsessed assistant Phil against the Easter Bunny.While walking around Los Angeles, E.B. is hit by Fred O'Hare (James Marsden) an out of work slacker who was driving to the house he is then the caretaker of.
If you want to know more watch HOP on April 1, 2011
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info from Wikipidea